Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Fall Y'all!

Just a quick entry with lots of pictures...First, a few of the babies with the lovely BB. BB takes them everywhere! Jack is counting to ten now!! Not my doing. And he knows several colors. He is talking so well and continues to be well manners, all in part, thanks to BB! She is truly an answer to prayers. 

 Every day, they have a different plan. The children's museum, library, the park, etc. I love getting pictures of them during the day!

 Baby in a basket! Cute! And who is that doll baby in the mirror :)

One morning, a firetruck was in the neighborhood. Jack decided he had his morning planned out. Haha!

 The kids playing at the mall, the same day, with BB.

 Visit to the library and Jack admiring his stickers...

 And this is happening. Not with any great consistency, but very exciting. Sorry Jack. Mommy is just so excited! I hope these pictures are covering everything once they are posted. From what I can tell, they are G rated.

 And after a quick potty break, Jack enjoys "PZZZ!" Or Pez. He loves them. And his favorite Halloween candy was smarties. Yuck :)

He's pretty cool in his dinosaur coat and house shoes (not shown).

Last weekend, we went to Lowes and stopped to look at the snow village. They were very amused with all the moving parts and music. Daddy was too!

Ella's face on the left is funny. She's all snuggled up in daddy's coat. It was chilly that day.

 Jack is still obsessed with trains, "choo choo" as he calls it. Every morning and every evening its, "Sit, Pay, Choo choo." He's also started naming all this dinosaurs. Frank and Tony (they're from Long Island), Rocco and Chichi (the purple dinosaur) are friends, Bonehead (justin named that one and it stuck), Bo, and I'm probably forgetting a few others. Watching him become a little boy, developing an imagination, is so fun. He makes voices for his toys and fun little situations for them. It's great.

And, I was so glad we got the little laugh in the hands thing (on the left) that he's been doing lately. It's precious! He gets so tickled and throws himself forward burying his face in his hands. I love it. 

 Then, he had to be like daddy. Daddy had a cold and had fashioned himself nose plugs...so naturally monkey see did too!

 These are two cute dudes.

A few weekends ago, before Halloween, we went to my folks house for dad's birthday. It was also the kids first "burnin."

 Jack couldn't get enough of Aunt Tay!

My girl loved the marshmallows...

It was lots of fun.

We also went to the best corn maize ever in Grovetown. Katie, Justin, and I ventured into the maze. Thankfully we made it out, but only after forging our own path through the corn :)

They had lots of great things for kids to play on and in. Corn pits, dirt piles, water duck races, wooden playgrounds, train rides, etc.

 The next morning, Jack was Mimi's sous chef. Mainly, he shined the flashlight at everything.

Your kitchen can never be too well lit.

 Great weekend for sure!