I have a secret!! This morning, I found out I'm going to be a mommy!!! I don't know what came over me to take a pregnancy test but I sat there all blurry eyed and watched two little lines come up on the test. I had to look several times before I believed it. I wanted to run into the living room and tell Justin but I'd always imagined telling him in a special way. It was so difficult to keep a secret!!
We wanted to go to the beach after church. I decided I would wrap up a pregnancy test in our beach neat-sheet to surprise Justin. On our way to the beach, it started to thunder and pour rain. I had to scratch that plan. Earlier in the day, Justin said that if he could do anything today, he would get a glass of champagne on the top of the Eiffel Tower again. I couldn't do Paris, but I could get the champagne, a lasagna dinner, and a great surprise!
It was so much more fun after I told him. We got to talk names and discuss ways we would share with our parents. We honestly can't wait but since I'm like two seconds pregnant, figure it is a good idea to wait a few weeks. Justin wanted to drive to both parents house next weekend and tell everyone! He is so excited and I'm almost sure he wants a boy. I would take anything so long as it's healthy but if I were being totally honest I'm drooling for a girls. But I've always thought having an older brother would be nice.
I can't believe it! So often we just sat there with these stunned looks on our faces saying, "Can you believe it?!?" We are so lucky and I just hope the next few weeks go by without a hitch.