Saturday, April 28, 2012

Guess what?!?


I have a secret!! This morning, I found out I'm going to be a mommy!!! I don't know what came over me to take a pregnancy test but I sat there all blurry eyed and watched two little lines come up on the test. I had to  look several times before I believed it. I wanted to run into the living room and tell Justin but I'd always imagined telling him in a special way. It was so difficult to keep a secret!!

I went into the kitchen to make coffee (which I didn't drink) but I couldn't figure out what I was doing. I just kept turning in circles, looking for the coffee, trying to remember how to set up the machine. I was so excited I couldn't think straight.

I thought of so many ways to tell him but knew I couldn't keep it a secret long, especially since he is going out of town tomorrow night. I thought about a personalized fortune cookie but that would take too long to get here. I considered a baby item (bib, pacifier, cute onsie) but I could never figure out an excuse to sneak away without him. Plus we were going to church...which leads me to a side story. At church, we always get the soft mints they have in the foyer. Justin picked them up for us and handed me mine. In the package, there were two mints, a big one and a little one (a mama and baby!). Corny but so cute!

We wanted to go to the beach after church. I decided I would wrap up a pregnancy test in our beach neat-sheet to surprise Justin. On our way to the beach, it started to thunder and pour rain. I had to scratch that plan. Earlier in the day, Justin said that if he could do anything today, he would get a glass of champagne on the top of the Eiffel Tower again. I couldn't do Paris, but I could get the champagne, a lasagna dinner, and a great surprise!

I made dinner and while it was cooking, I made a short video of photos of us and toward the end, added a few pictures of the positive pregnancy test. I put it together, and after some difficulty getting it to save to where we could watch it on TV, asked Justin to come in the living room. I had set up our camera on video to capture his reaction but he was on to me. Apparently, he heard the camera turn on and realized I was trying awful hard to make today special. He just grinned and sat on the couch. When the moment came to the pictures, he was all smiles and hugs. He was so excited! There was even a few happy tears. I took two pregnancy tests just to be sure.

It was so much more fun after I told him. We got to talk names and discuss ways we would share with our parents. We honestly can't wait but since I'm like two seconds pregnant, figure it is a good idea to wait a few weeks. Justin wanted to drive to both parents house next weekend and tell everyone! He is so excited and I'm almost sure he wants a boy. I would take anything so long as it's healthy but if I were being totally honest I'm drooling for a girls. But I've always thought having an older brother would be nice.

I can't believe it! So often we just sat there with these stunned looks on our faces saying, "Can you believe it?!?" We are so lucky and I just hope the next few weeks go by without a hitch.

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