Friday, January 31, 2014

14 months old

Jack turned 14 months old a few days ago. It's unbelievable at just how the communication picked up over the last few weeks. Now, we only need to tell you things once or twice and it is in your memory for good. You know where lots of body parts are, your belly button being your favorite. You also like to touch noses, eyes, and mouths, but you can identify hands and feet too. You really love to "ask" me to see my belly button by pointing or digging through my shirt and then trying to lift up or look under my shirt to find my belly button. All the funnier is that I'm 33 weeks pregnant so there is quite a large belly behind that button. You hug my belly any time I point to it and say baby. It's so sweet.

We've been practicing with a baby doll. You have been so protective of this baby doll since day 1. The first night we had her, you fed her the bottle. I told you we needed to put her to bed to go "night night" and we walked into our bedroom and put her in the pack and play. You were quite displeased and cried and cried. I'm not sure why but you must not have liked her all alone in that pack and play. So we brought her back out in to the living room and snuggled and read her books.

In addition to body parts and babies, you LOVE animals. You are trying your best to mimic any animal noises we say. When we ask what a cow says or a dog, you will make a "ugh, ugh" or "ooo, ooo" noise...all your animal noises sound the same and it's very cute.

Ohter things you're've been able to tell us where the moon is, lights, trees, airplanes, birds, etc for some time. You are able to take anything to the trash that we tell you is trash. You have gotten so great at listening. You don't play in the dog water bowls anymore or try to take their food from them when they are eating in the evening. You love to help feed the dogs. You go to the pantry and open their food container, you get their bowls, and you watch them eat dinner. You love to get Kramer out of his kennel...I think you feel back from him, and even if we are leaving, you will stand by his kennel pointing as if to ask if you can help get him out.

You wave hello and bye bye to everyone. You've been waving for a while but we can tell now that you understand why you are waving. You are working on blowing kisses and you will give kisses to us when we ask or if we tease you and give one another a kiss, you lean in to smooch too. So precious.

The other day, you were going to bed. I rock you in your chair after several books but before, you always have to tell daddy goodnight. We were upstairs and he was standing on the stairs, he asked for a kiss and you leaned your face through the rails all puckered up. It was the most adorable thing. We floated on that for days.

Another favorite memory we have of you was from last month. You've been learning lots of songs at home and daycare and the movements to accompany. The itsy bitsy spider was the first that you were able to perform. I was signing to you while you were in the tub and you stood up, covered in bubbles, and did all the motions. It was so cute! You were so proud of yourself and daddy and I cheered for you!

Every age has been so fun. You are such a cuddler, you love your mommy, you play all the time with daddy and seek his approval with everything...always looking at him to see if he's noticing you, more so than me. I think it's a little boy thing and so interesting to me how the need for dad's approval starts so young. He is always happy to oblige and cheers for any and every little thing. We are both so proud of you. You are a wonderful listener, you do most things the first time you are asked, you are lots of fun.

At your last check up, you were 90th percentile for height and weight but your head circumference continued to climb off the chart. The pediatrician reassured us that she had no concerns about this and you just have a large head. In comparison to pictures of your dad at your age, we realize that the Archie men have very big heads :) To hold all those brains of course. You also went to a pediatric ophthalmologist to see about your clogged tear duct. You got a gold star, diagnosed with partial obstruction, and we were told to bring you back for surgery if it bothers us enough. Of course, it NEVER will. It was good news.

You have four teeth up top now and the two middle below. You haven't bitten anyone (yet) but love to use those teeth for cookies and anything else. Can't wait to see what next month holds. Your thirteenth month had quite a bit developmental growth! We LOVE you!